Never Underestimate the Power of Play-Doh!

Recently my children have decided that if they’re in each other’s presence for longer than five minutes, the room automatically turns into a WWE cage match.

While attempting to cook supper, clean the kitchen, and reorganize the pantry I could sense the tempers starting to rise in the room. I noticed some playdough stuck on the top shelf of the pantry collecting dust. I assumed my seven year old who’s too cool for school wouldn’t be interested in the slightest, but I thought maybe it would keep my four year old daughter preoccupied until I could finish my chores.

To my surprise and total disbelief they both became absorbed in their playdough creations.  Not only were they not trying hurt each other, they were actually working together! Owen even asked, ¨May I please borrow the cookie cutter?¨  After I picked my jaw off the floor I was able to get dinner done, the kitchen clean, and get the pantry back in working order.


Playdough saved the day!

I scooped up extra during the back to school sales, but it‘s super easy and fun to make with the kids.

Colored Playdough


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
  • Food coloring
  • Saucepan
  • 1 cup flour


  1. Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
  2. Remove from heat and add flour.
  3. Stir, then knead until smooth.
  4. Store this dough in an airtight container or a Ziploc freezer bag.